The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Are you ready when the door of opportunity opens?
Last week, I was sitting on stage at the Lady & the Champs speaking event. I was leading a panel discussion about presentation and public speaking skills. To my right were four people who have been my speaking mentors. They’re the model for the type of speaker I strive to be.
Halfway through the session, a surreal feeling washed over me. This has been a dream for years – to be on stage with these specific people. I had made it on stage with my speaking heroes. But, it wasn’t the way I’d expected.
The Only Road to My Goal?
For years, I competed in Toastmasters World Championship of Public speaking. I wanted to deliver speeches that would inspire audiences and win me the title of World Champion.
But, there was a bigger goal. I wanted the title so that I could “earn” my way on stage with my coaches. These were the men and women I most looked up to in the speaking world. I felt that was my only road to sharing the stage with them.
With each passing year, though, my goal was getting farther away. I experienced less success in the speech contests. Nine years ago, I made it to the Regional level – one step away from the final contest. Since then, my contest results have gotten worse.
If you’re not familiar with the World Championship of Public Speaking, it’s a six-round competition. As the years passed, I lost at earlier and earlier rounds.
I was going backwards in the pursuit of my dream of earning the title. And, my right to be on stage with my heroes.
A New Road Opens
Along the way, I was working hard to become a public speaking and storytelling skills coach. I earned the designation World Class Speaking Coach. My coaching business slowly started to grow.
Unbeknownst to me, I was being watched by those same heroes I wanted to share the stage with. When I attended their workshops, I did everything they asked me to do. When they released courses, I invested in them. I didn’t question their methods, I “followed the bouncing ball.”
Then, in 2013, an unexpected opportunity presented itself. On a Tuesday afternoon, my friend Darren LacCroix called me. “Michael, what are you doing Thursday and Friday?”
Caught off guard, I asked why. He said, “Craig blew out his knee and has to miss part of our program. We’d like you to fill in for him. Can you fly to Baltimore and help me lead the Storytelling workshop?”
My coaches were asking me to co-present one of their workshops!
A New Door Opens
Opportunity was opening a door for me. The workshop went well, better than I could’ve expected. After that event, Darren and Craig invited me to take part in more programs with them. This eventually led to my role as emcee for the 2017 Lady and the Champs event. Which is why I was onstage with speaking heroes, leading a panel discussion.
This blog isn’t meant to impress you. It’s meant to impress upon you the power of being ready when the door of opportunity opens. Several years ago, Darren LaCroix taught me one of the most important lessons I’ve ever learned. It came from his comedy mentor….
“I will do anything I can to help you, but if you ever turn me down, I will never help you again!”
Harsh? Not if you have big dreams and want help from the best. Successful people will help you, but only if you’re serious. Darren never said these words to me. He didn’t need to. He made his point when he first told the story. I knew that when he asked me to fly to Baltimore on short notice, that was my one opportunity to prove I’m serious.
As you pursue your biggest goal, remember this story. You may be closer to achieving it than you realize. Don’t be so focused on the how that you forget your why. And be ready to walk through the door of unexpected opportunity when it opens.
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Sell More With Stories – Book 3: Gain Trust With Your “WHY” Story
Sell More With Stories – Book 3: How To Gain Trust With Your “WHY” Story
Want to quickly get past the walls of distrust and skepticism of prospective clients?
Want to create a connection with others that lays the foundation for long-term mutually beneficial client relationships?
‘How to Gain Trust With Your “WHY” Story’ shows you how to do just that.
In this book, you’ll pick up the processes and tools to craft stories that separate you from other salespeople. You won’t spew facts and figures about you or your company. You’ll share stories that connect with others on a deep, emotional level. This type of story can shorten your sales cycle, because it builds trust faster, and encourages your clients to open up more to you.
To learn this Stand OUT story structure that can increase your sales while reducing the stress of the selling process, get your copy of book 3 in the ‘Sell More With Stories’ series: ‘How to Gain Trust With Your “WHY” Story.’ To get your Kindle copy, click here.