The Secret Hack To Increase Your Story Impact

VAKS-inaTe Your Stories To Hack Your Audiences’ Emotions  The Question “Michael, what’s your deal? What are you trying to sell us?” Leslie’s question was unexpected. Her tone was so aggressive that I froze. My mind went… blank. I looked at the 49 well-dressed...
One Easy Way To Alienate (Or Piss Off) Your Audience, And Guarantee Your Message ISN’T Heard

One Easy Way To Alienate (Or Piss Off) Your Audience, And Guarantee Your Message ISN’T Heard

“I know I’m over time, but I’ve got two more points I want to make.   ~ A common speaking refrain I was sitting in a room with about 100 other people. The speakers were sharing updates on various activities within our city. The final speaker was clearly over his...
Avoid Reputation Damage With This One Speaking Mistake

Avoid Reputation Damage With This One Speaking Mistake

You’re scheduled to give a presentation at a company function. You know you should prepare, but… Your schedule is jam-packed; you can’t fit in another task. Besides, you know this topic inside and out. You can “wing it.” You’re...
One Proven Method To Avoid Annoying, Irritating, And Losing Your Audience

One Proven Method To Avoid Annoying, Irritating, And Losing Your Audience

  In a recent post, we discussed the most important part of a presentation.  There are several key elements, but by far the most important is: The thoughts and feelings of the audience listening to you. If you missed that post, you can read it: CLICK HERE  The...