Are You Sending Your Audience On A Detour With This One Mistake?

Are You Sending Your Audience On A Detour With This One Mistake?

I was listening to a speaker talk about fishing experiences when he was a child. He was expertly demonstrating casting a line into a lake, only to pull an empty fishing hook out of the water. After doing this three times, he then pulled a stuffed fish out of his...

How To Create More Humor For Your Speech

What is the best way to include relevant humor in your speech? One of the biggest challenges for speakers is crafting relevant humor for their speeches. Many make the mistake of inserting jokes, or telling funny stories simply to get a laugh. Although you get the...

Is This ONE Mistake Ruining Your Story?

Ever listened to a riveting story with a memorable message, but somehow felt frustrated or let down at the end? There could be several reasons for this, but one of the most likely culprits was… The Unanswered Question! This is a problem that is more common than...

Open Your Speech to Grab Audience Attention

How to Alienate Your Audience With Your Opening Words When you start your speech, what are the first words out of your mouth? Typically, people say something like, “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to be here. Isn’t this great weather? What a great...