Soar To Higher Speaking Fees With This One Trick From Southwest Airlines

Soar To Higher Speaking Fees With This One Trick From Southwest Airlines

In the world of public speaking, the difference between a good presentation and an unforgettable one often hinges on a single element: Humor There’s an adage from the professional speaking industry regarding this topic: Question: Do you need to have humor in your...
The Overlooked Pot Of Gold That Will Supercharge Your Next Presentation

The Overlooked Pot Of Gold That Will Supercharge Your Next Presentation

For years, I have suggested that people start a daily story file. At the end of each day, take two or three minutes and think about the stories that impacted you. This was a good idea because I got people thinking about their most important experiences. But, in a...
Jump-Start Your Influence With One Presentation Hack

Jump-Start Your Influence With One Presentation Hack

What is the most important role of a speaker or salesperson? I hear different answers when I ask this question in my presentations. They each have merit, but I rarely hear the response that is the key purpose of giving a presentation. It’s this… To show people how to...

Why Audiences Ignore And Quickly Forget Your Personal Story

I was listening to an interview featuring a Hall of Fame speaker. She said something that on the surface sounded harsh. But, as a storytelling coach I agreed with. She said: “Quit thinking that anyone cares about your personal story.” The idea of sharing of your...
Story Insight #7 – The First Step To Create Your Memorable Foundational Phrase

Story Insight #7 – The First Step To Create Your Memorable Foundational Phrase

Remember this phrase, “A message is a mess with age.”  When starting to create your foundational phrase, don’t attempt to make it perfect in the beginning. Get ideas out of your head and on to paper (or a spreadsheet).  A good starting point for creating your...