The Quickest Way To Connect When You Speak

When you speak, how can you quickly connect with your audience?

Some people say it’s the first 30 seconds. Grab your audience quickly, or you’ll have to work very hard to persuade them to accept your message.

While this is true, there is an even better opportunity to connect with your audience. Many speakers, even the highly paid, miss this opportunity.  It occurs before you step on stage.

Speak before you speak

Connect BEFORE You Speak

What is it?

Your introduction.

The Problem With the Typical Introduction

Think about most introductions you hear. A common example may be:

Our speaker today is a highly accomplished salesperson in the pharmaceutical field.  She is a four-time recipient of the Albert J Lotsabucks Award.  She’s led her team to ‘Top Performing Branch’ 3 out the past 5 years.  She is a graduate of Brown University. In addition, she has (blah blah blah blah blah blah).”

On the other hand, some speakers are introduced with something as simple as “Here’s Johnny…” There’s no buildup, so you don’t know why the speaker is qualified to be standing in front of you.

In either case, is the audience really inspired to listen?



Each audience member is thinking something like: “I’ve got a busy schedule, I got in my car,  fought traffic, skipped my dinner (or lunch, or breakfast), looked around forever for a parking spot…..

This had better be worth my time.”

Is your introduction telling them what they will get if they listen to you speak?

While your credentials may be impressive, they don’t care. Not until they know what they’ll receive.

A Better Way to Be Introduced

Does this sound more appealing to the audience:

How would you like to have an extra two hours a day… without giving up your sleep?  

How much more fulfilling would your life be if you could delegate tasks which stifle your productivity?

Today’s speaker used the ideas she’ll share with you to create more time in her schedule, and delegate tasks that were limiting her sales. This process enabled her to earn the Albert J Lotsabucks award four consecutive years; it can improve your life, too.

Please help me welcome…

Can you see how this introduction quickly answers the audience question of “What’s In It For Me?” It also builds credibility. Notice how many uses there are of the words ‘you’ or ‘your.’  The interest of the audience is aroused, and they’re more likely to listen to your stellar opening.

The next time you speak, grab the audience before you step on stage. Let them know why it will benefit them to listen to you, then let them know why you’re qualified to speak. In just a few short sentences, you can create a connection, and set the audience up for a presentation they won’t soon forget.



Book 3 of the Sell More With Stories Kindle book series.

‘How to Gain Trust With Your “WHY” Story’ provides the tools that enable you to:

– Quickly get past the walls of distrust and skepticism of prospective clients

– Create a deep connection with others.

– Lay the foundation for long-term mutually beneficial client relationships.

This is the third book of the Sell More With Stories series. You’ll pick up the processes and tools to craft stories that separate you from other salespeople. You won’t spew facts and figures about you or your company. You’ll share stories that connect with others on a deep, emotional level.

This type of story can shorten your sales cycle. It builds trust faster, and encourages your clients to open to you.

Increase your sales.

Close sales faster.

Reduce the stress of the selling process.

Get your copy of book 3 in the Sell More With Stories series: ‘How to Gain Trust With Your “WHY” Story’.

To order your copy at our introductory price, click here.

Gain Interest BEFORE You Speak ultima modifica: 2009-01-02T04:17:43-05:00 da Michael Davis