Two Secrets About Why You’re NOT Afraid Of Public Speaking

Two Secrets About Why You’re NOT Afraid Of Public Speaking

Look at any list of fears, and one of, if not the top listed is (cue spooky music): Public speaking But, is it our biggest fear? Since an early age, you’ve been standing in front of other people and talking. Public speaking isn’t the horrible, fear-inducing monster...

The Magic Number for Public Speaking Success

A Simple Lesson From the World Championship of Public Speaking It was the night before the World Championship of Public Speaking. If you’re not familiar with this competition, think American Idol for speakers. It’s an annual contest hosted by Toastmasters...

Why Speaking is Like an Exotic Sports Car

Public speaking is like caring for an exotic sports car. What?? Picture an expensive, high performance automobile. It has the potential to drive fast, with great power. Take care of it and it can consistently create a memorable experience. Ignore it, or put...