How To Love Feedback And Make It Supercharge Your Impact

If you want to improve as a presenter, feedback is essential. When you implement valuable insights into your presentations, make adjustments, and improve your material, your impact will skyrocket. Master this skill, and you will master the art of presentations and...
One Easy Way To Alienate (Or Piss Off) Your Audience, And Guarantee Your Message ISN’T Heard

One Easy Way To Alienate (Or Piss Off) Your Audience, And Guarantee Your Message ISN’T Heard

“I know I’m over time, but I’ve got two more points I want to make.   ~ A common speaking refrain I was sitting in a room with about 100 other people. The speakers were sharing updates on various activities within our city. The final speaker was clearly over his...
One Simple Trick To Increase Curiosity In Your Story

One Simple Trick To Increase Curiosity In Your Story

Bluma Zeigarnik, circa 1921 It’s 2008. I’m a Certified Financial Planner, presenting a retirement planning workshop to 49 successful business women. Five minutes into my presentation, a woman named Leslie stands up, and asks a question that will eventually change the...
Jump-Start Your Influence With One Presentation Hack

Jump-Start Your Influence With One Presentation Hack

What is the most important role of a speaker or salesperson? I hear different answers when I ask this question in my presentations. They each have merit, but I rarely hear the response that is the key purpose of giving a presentation. It’s this… To show people how to...