One Belief That’s Killing Your Speaking Game

One Belief That’s Killing Your Speaking Game

The Quest for Perfection My client said a phrase I’ve heard countless times: “Michael, I really want to perfect my speech.”  It’s a mantra repeated by many speakers, even professionals. The thought process is that if you rehearse enough, your speech will be flawless....
Stop Your “Inner Heckler” From Sabotaging Your Speaking

Stop Your “Inner Heckler” From Sabotaging Your Speaking

Picture yourself at the front of a room, before a waiting audience. You have a script in hand and slides queued up. As you’re about to speak, you hear voices start to heckle you. “You’re gonna forget your lines!” “They’re waiting for you to screw up!” “They’re gonna...
Two Secrets About Why You’re NOT Afraid Of Public Speaking

Two Secrets About Why You’re NOT Afraid Of Public Speaking

Look at any list of fears, and one of, if not the top listed is (cue spooky music): Public speaking But, is it our biggest fear? Since an early age, you’ve been standing in front of other people and talking. Public speaking isn’t the horrible, fear-inducing monster...

Public Speaking Is Your Number One Fear… Or Is It?

Look at any list of fears and phobias. You’ll find public speaking listed at or near the top. This makes sense, right? Everybody knows public speaking is a terrifying experience. Why is this activity considered our #1 fear? There are various opinions. For years,...