Mayhem to Mastery – How To Benefit From Unexpected Setbacks

  Imagine you’re working with a brand new client. This is someone who you were introduced to by a trusted friend, and you want to do excellent work. You’re co-hosting a virtual presentation for this individual. If it goes well, this could be a mutually beneficial...

The Secret Hack To Increase Your Story Impact

VAKS-inaTe Your Stories To Hack Your Audiences’ Emotions  The Question “Michael, what’s your deal? What are you trying to sell us?” Leslie’s question was unexpected. Her tone was so aggressive that I froze. My mind went… blank. I looked at the 49 well-dressed...
Inspire Your Audience To Take Action With These Simple Steps

Inspire Your Audience To Take Action With These Simple Steps

Imagine the perfect presentation… What happens at the end? What if the audience rushed to the back of the room (or the chat box) to invest in your products and services? How would that impact them, and you? The art of moving audiences to action is similar to...
One Belief That’s Killing Your Speaking Game

One Belief That’s Killing Your Speaking Game

The Quest for Perfection My client said a phrase I’ve heard countless times: “Michael, I really want to perfect my speech.”  It’s a mantra repeated by many speakers, even professionals. The thought process is that if you rehearse enough, your speech will be flawless....
Here’s One Reason Why Stories Fail To Connect

Here’s One Reason Why Stories Fail To Connect

Have you ever listened to a story that left you feeling…. Meh? There are several reasons why stories don’t create an emotional connection. One of the most common is lack of motivation for your main character. Consider this story: A prospective client wants to give...