One Easy Way To Alienate (Or Piss Off) Your Audience, And Guarantee Your Message ISN’T Heard

One Easy Way To Alienate (Or Piss Off) Your Audience, And Guarantee Your Message ISN’T Heard

“I know I’m over time, but I’ve got two more points I want to make.   ~ A common speaking refrain I was sitting in a room with about 100 other people. The speakers were sharing updates on various activities within our city. The final speaker was clearly over his...
Soar To Higher Speaking Fees With This One Trick From Southwest Airlines

Soar To Higher Speaking Fees With This One Trick From Southwest Airlines

In the world of public speaking, the difference between a good presentation and an unforgettable one often hinges on a single element: Humor There’s an adage from the professional speaking industry regarding this topic: Question: Do you need to have humor in your...
Avoid Reputation Damage With This One Speaking Mistake

Avoid Reputation Damage With This One Speaking Mistake

You’re scheduled to give a presentation at a company function. You know you should prepare, but… Your schedule is jam-packed; you can’t fit in another task. Besides, you know this topic inside and out. You can “wing it.” You’re...
Get People Off Their Butts And Into Action Via The Emotional “River”

Get People Off Their Butts And Into Action Via The Emotional “River”

Imagine a group of people floating on small rafts down a river. The water flow is calm and smooth. It’s a serene experience that leaves them relaxed and comfortable. In the speaking world, this is the equivalent of delivering a talk that’s predictable, requires...
Three Simple Steps To Increase Your Influence &  Impact

Three Simple Steps To Increase Your Influence & Impact

How To Listen For More Effective Communication In our fast-paced world, effective communication is more critical than ever. While we often associate this skill with speaking or expressing ourselves, true understanding and connection require a different approach: 3-E...
How To Create Interest In Intangible Ideas

How To Create Interest In Intangible Ideas

Do you have to present intangible ideas that can be difficult for people to grasp? How do you present them so that people understand and don’t get confused by the details? I was a financial advisor for 29 years. We had to discuss concepts like rates of return,...