What is the Best Source of Stories?

When creating speeches or stories, a common question presenters ask is: 

“What are the best topics to talk about?” Or, “What’s hot, or what are people paying for?”

This is one of the worst approaches to selecting your topic.


Audiences and meeting planners expect speakers who are experts in their field. They want you to also have a level of enthusiasm for your topic. You can’t compete against others who have a deep level of knowledge about subjects which you’re not familiar with.

So, What Stories Should You Share?

The Best Source of Your Stories

“Be Willing to Go to That Place You Don’t Want to Go” ~ Craig Valentine

To quote one of my coaches, Craig Valentine: “Go to that place you don’t want to go. That is the source of your best stories.”

What Craig means is, choose the areas of your life that have been the most difficult or painful. Tough times are relatable to others.

When I first heard this advice, I wasn’t comfortable with it. My knee-jerk reaction was I don’t want to deal with these issues, why should I talk about them from stage?

Why This is Excellent Advice

Upon further reflection, I realized that the best speeches I’ve heard came from someone’s pain. I’ve heard stories of people struggling with career decisions; families getting past bankruptcy; or individuals moving beyond divorce. Each resonated with me because I’ve been through those experiences. If the stories are well-told, I always have an emotional reaction to them.

Does sharing your pain mean that you leave the audience on a down-note?

Absolutely not. You share the difficult experiences so that people know you’re like them. After creating that bond, they want to know how your life is better. Furthermore, they want you to tell them how you made the improvement. There’s a name for people who just stand up and complain: ‘whiners’… or, ‘comics.’ 

A Word of Caution

If you’re willing to try Craig’s suggestion and talk about the uncomfortable, be aware of your emotions about your story. If you have still have strong reactions to your struggles, you’re not ready to talk about them on stage. Audiences don’t mind an occasional tear, or a pause when you need to gather your thoughts. What isn’t OK is a flood of tears or uncontrollable sobbing. When you can focus your message on the audience and not your emotions, you’re ready to share it.

So, what should you base your speeches on? Your struggles, strife, and setbacks, followed by your success. Share the common difficulty, then suggest how you got past those challenges. You’re well on your way to creating a meaningful and lasting message.

Recommended Resource

Sell More With Stories: Sail the 7 Cs to Sensational Storytelling

Sail the 7 Cs to Sensational Stories

Sell More With Stories: Book 4 – Sail the 7 Cs to Sensational Storytelling

Salespeople all over the world are selling more products and services using storytelling. They’ve mastered the craft using 7 foundational tools. You can pick up these essential keys in the book: “Sail The 7 Seas to Sensational Storytelling.”

You may be thinking, “Storytelling is a skill you’re either born with or you’re not.” Nothing could be further from the truth. If you’ve struggled to develop and deliver stories that get results, you simply need to implement these seven steps. Use this repeatable process and watch people take action on your message.

Imagine Being Able To:

– Create Interest From Your First Words

– Develop Emotional Buy-In to Your Message

– Keep People on the Edge of Their Seats From Start-to-Finish

– Present a Foundational Concept That People Remember Long After You Speak

– And Much More

In this 4th book of the “Sell More With Stories” series, you’ll pick up insider secrets on how to create memorable stories that sell your product, service or idea. 

If you want to stand out from a crowded field, and sell more in less time, get your copy of ‘Sell More With Stories: Sail the 7 Cs to Sensational Storytelling.’

Visit: http://amzn.to/2kPKxEJ

Create Stories From The Place You Don’t Want to Go ultima modifica: 2017-03-19T19:18:43-04:00 da Michael Davis