How to Manage Speaking NervesFeeling 'Chicken' About Speaking? Try This....

One of the most common questions I hear is:
“Michael, how do I get rid of my nerves?”
I understand the purpose of the question, but it’s the wrong one to ask. My response is always, “You don’t want to get rid of nerves.” Some of the best speakers in the world get nervous before they give a presentation. And this is a good sign!

Why is it good to feel nervous?

Because it means that they care. My feeling is that if you don’t have nerves before you give a presentation, you don’t care about the outcome. For you, or more importantly, your audience.
Audiences pick up on that lack of energy. Nerves are energy that you need to channel in a positive way.
There are some common solutions that are too generic. One of the most popular ones I hear is, “When you feel those butterflies in your stomach, make them fly in formation.” That sounds good. But, what does it mean? How do I make them “fly in formation?”

Specific Solutions To Manage Speaking Anxiety

The purpose of my next four posts is to give you specific ideas about how to control your nerves. The concept I’ve created may be the worst pun I’ve ever created, but it works. Here it is:

The next time you feel “chicken” about speaking, use the PEEP principle — P. E. E. P.
The first letter P in PEEP stands for Preparation. This is the most important step you can take to control your nerves.

When I Mean When I Write ‘Preparation?’

There are several steps to this:

STEP 1: Write your presentation on paper/type it on a Word document. Some people say, oh, I can wing it. I know my material. That’s great. I’m sure you can. But if you want to have a memorable presentation that sticks with the audience, then you need to write it down.

In its first form, it will be a mess. In fact, one of my coaches, Craig Valentine, says, a message is a mess with age. Get the messy part out on the paper. Write out every thought you have about your topic.

STEP 2: Put it into some kind of order. Use a foundational concept, the main idea of your talk. Determine how you’ll support that concept — stories, analogies, or statistics. decide how you’re going to open and conclude.

STEP 3: Practice. By yourself two or three times to get comfortable with the flow. Then, go speak to people and get feedback.

STEP 4: Gather all evaluations. Review them. Integrate the suggestions which are relevant to your talk. Make those changes.

STEP 5: Repeat the process.

Are You Willing to Do What the Best Do?

I know this isn’t sexy, or fun. But, it is THE best way to manage your nerves. The best speakers and presenters in the world do this. There are no exceptions and no shortcuts. If you want to have a lasting impact, you can’t skip this step.
Follow this first part of the PEEP process and you’ll be on your way to managing your speaking nerves and anxiety.
In the next post, you’ll discover the second part of the PEEP process. You’ll read about a simple activity to use at the venue where you’ll present your talk.


Do you routinely have to stand up and present to others? Would you like to become the kind of speaker who is more confident, impactful and influential? If so, then you should join us for the complimentary webinar Stand Up, Speak Up, Stand OUT!

In this program, you’ll pick up 3 fundamental concepts that enable you to present with more confidence, whether you are speaking 1-on-1 to clients, or to a room full of people.

Attend this event and you’ll discover:

1) THE Key to managing speaking anxiety.

2) How to avoid overloading others with too many PowerPoint slides or too much information

3) The most important skill you can develop to deliver your talks more dynamically.

To attend this free, no-obligation webinar, register at:

Feeling ‘Chicken’ About Speaking? Try This…. ultima modifica: 2019-06-02T21:32:42-04:00 da Michael Davis