When I first started working with clients on their stories, I encouraged them to submit a written version. It seemed like a straightforward approach; I was encouraging them to get all their thoughts out of their head and onto paper.

It was the idea of creating a message out of a mess.

But, there was a big mistake I was making. I was unintentionally putting them into “author mode.” This means I encouraged them to use a different part of the brain to write their ideas. Most people change their verbiage when they write versus how they speak in every day conversation.

My clients were focusing on crafting perfect sentences. This made their stories sound formal and stiff. It disconnected them from their natural voice. Also, many of them spent too much time editing while they wrote. They spent far too much time getting their first idea out of their head and onto the page.

The BIGGER Challenge

The larger obstacle came when I asked them to translate their polished writing back into a conversational tone — I was asking them to undo the work I had encouraged.

It wasn’t until I began experimenting with new AI tools that I recognized this mistake. When I asked them to turn on their cameras, record the first version of their stories, and include a written transcription of the recording, I saw the light.

With this format, clients stayed in their natural communication style from the start. This preserved the natural rhythm and tone of their narratives, which made them more authentic and engaging.

With today’s technology providing instant transcription, I can easily refine the structure without losing the conversational style that connects with audiences. This method reduces unnecessary steps, saves you time and energy, and leads to a story that’s impactful and true to your voice.

How do you ensure your stories stay true to your natural voice when you present them?


(NOTE: This event has been postponed seven days, until August 26th at 2:00 pm EST / 11:00 am PST)

Do you want to create a winning story (not just for speaking contests, but to win sales proposals, win over hearts & minds, or win acceptance to your ideas)?

If so, join my friend Ray Engan and me Monday August 26 at 2:00 pm (EST) / 9:00 am (PST) when we discuss how we helped coach Jeff Rogers to become the first winner of NSA’s Last Story Standing competition.

You’ll pick up insights on how to take a solid story idea and turn it into a meaningful and memorable message which resonates, inspires people to take action, and persuades them to buy into your ideas.

As a special treat, the champ himself will join us for this call as we deconstruct his story. You’ll walk away with a proven framework to make your next story meaningful, memorable, and impactful.

More details, click here: https://speakingcpr.com/win-more-sell-more-transform-your-stories-transform-your-impact/

How To Avoid This Dumb Storytelling Mistake I Used To Make ultima modifica: 2024-08-19T10:57:14-04:00 da Michael Davis