Discover the 3 Pillars of High Impact Storytelling And Increase Your Influence

Are you tired of feeling frustrated and uncertain after giving lackluster presentations that don’t inspire action in others?

Do you cringe at the thought of feeling embarrassed and taking a hit on your reputation from giving forgettable presentations?

Well, it’s time to turn things around and step up your game with the three pillars of high impact storytelling.


It’s important to be genuine and true to yourself when telling a story. This means sharing personal experiences, emotions, and insights that resonate with your audience.

If people perceive that you’re “real” they’ll feel a strong connection with you and you’ll be more relatable. People want to hear experiences from people who are like them. Let your true self shine through.


A well-structured story keeps listeners engaged and interested. If you create a narrative that flows well, then you’ll have their attention from start-to-finish.

Start by setting the stage:

  • Introduce the main character and give the listener context of this person’s ordinary life.
  • Then introduce the conflict — share the problem your character is facing. If the problem is similar to one your audience is facing, they’ll become immersed in the narrative.
  • Build tension and drama as you work towards the climax of your story.
  • Wrap up the journey with a satisfying resolution. Demonstrate how the problem was overcome and share the takeaway message. When the solution solves a challenge your listeners are dealing with, you’re giving them hope they can overcome it, too.

A clear and organized structure will help your audience follow along and understand the main point you’re trying to convey.

Pillar 3: EMOTION

The best stories evoke powerful emotions in their listeners. Whether it’s joy, sadness, anger, fear, or inspiration, tapping into emotions is key for making a lasting impact.

Invite your audience to feel what you felt, and they’ll be more likely to remember and internalize your message.Be vulnerable and share your own emotional journey because that’s what will make your story compelling.

Time To Use The Pillars

Now that you know the three pillars of high impact storytelling, it’s time to put them into practice.

Start by reflecting on your own experiences and identifying stories that align with your message and goals.

Then, craft those stories using the principles of authenticity, structure, and emotion.

Practice telling your stories out loud, paying attention to your tone, pacing, and body language.

Better yet, record yourself and watch the recording. It’s nearly impossible to coach yourself in the middle of your presentation. When you’re less emotionally involved after the talk, you can review your recordings with more objectivity

If you want to supercharge and accelerate your growth, share your recording with others. They’ll offer insights you can’t see because it’s impossible to effectively coach ourselves.

Then deliver your story to an audience – online or in person. Ask for feedback to determine which areas are resonating and where you need to make changes.

With these three pillars in place, you’ll be on your way to better measurable results and leaving frustration and embarrassment in the rearview mirror.

Your presentations will become more captivating, influential, and successful.

You’ve got this!

Speed Up Your Storytelling Growth And Impact

Want to accelerate your storytelling growth and impact?

Talk with Michael about his upcoming online course entitled, High Impact Storytelling ABS. To schedule your time, CLICK HERE.

Sick of Feeling Frustrated After Presentations? ultima modifica: 2024-01-10T10:40:08-05:00 da Michael Davis