Jun 10, 2024 | Public Speaking Tips, Sell with a Story, Speaking Tip, Stand OUT! Speaking Tip, Tell a Story, Make Your Point
Unlock Your Storytelling Potential Transform Your Presentations with the High Impact Storytelling ABS Tool Kit! Imagine standing in front of a group and immediately grabbing their attention and interest. With the High Impact Storytelling ABS Tool Kit, you’ll gain...
Mar 25, 2024 | Advanced Public Speaking Skills, Business Presentations, Entrepreneur, Leadership Skills, Presentation Skills, Professional Speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Stand OUT! Speaking Tip
Imagine you’re working with a brand new client. This is someone who you were introduced to by a trusted friend, and you want to do excellent work. You’re co-hosting a virtual presentation for this individual. If it goes well, this could be a mutually beneficial...
Feb 16, 2024 | Leadership Skills, Presentation Skills, Professional Speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Speaking Tip, Stand OUT! Speaking Tip
Private Jackson is a dedicated soldier, but is having a difficult time with personal struggles. One frigid morning, he makes a rash decision to go AWOL, believing he would quickly be forgotten. But, the military searched for him because his absence caused operational...
Sep 6, 2023 | Advanced Public Speaking Skills, Business Presentations, Leadership Skills, Persuasion, Presentation Skills, Professional Speaking, Public Speaking Tips, Sell with a Story, Speaking Tip, Storytelling, Virtual Presentations
Imagine a group of people floating on small rafts down a river. The water flow is calm and smooth. It’s a serene experience that leaves them relaxed and comfortable. In the speaking world, this is the equivalent of delivering a talk that’s predictable, requires...
Jul 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore The Warning Signs Effective communication is essential for organizational success. It ensures clarity, collaboration, and a cohesive work environment. However, when communication begins to deteriorate, it can signal the onset of a...