Think about the last time a single statistic truly stuck with you.
Maybe it sparked some insight, but most facts and figures?
They slip by, quickly forgotten and rarely leave us feeling engaged.
Why Is Data Quickly Forgotten?
Human brains aren’t wired to connect deeply with raw data—they crave stories. When we’re given just numbers, as you can see in the image on the left, only the brain’s language and recognition areas light up. It’s a limited response that rarely leaves a lasting impression.
But stories?
They’re a different experience altogether. I call this triggering the ‘Storytelling C.O.D.E.’ A well-told, sensory-rich story taps into the listener’s world and releases a cascade of neurochemicals. We get:
C — cortisol for focus
O — oxytocin for connection
D — dopamine for anticipation
E — endorphins for joy.
Now, look at the difference in the image on the right. Storytelling engages every part of the brain, which creates a full sensory experience that resonates long after the story ends.
So, the next time you’re looking to make an impact, skip the stats. Unlock the Storytelling C.O.D.E. to bring your message to life.
Need Help Unlocking Your Story’s Impact?
If you’re ready to move beyond dry data and unmemorable facts, I can help. Imagine your next audience captivated and fully engaged with your message.
Book a call with me, and let’s talk about how together we can transform your message into one that resonates. To schedule your complimentary call, CLICK HERE