Are You Sending Your Audience On A Detour With This One Mistake?

Are You Sending Your Audience On A Detour With This One Mistake?

I was listening to a speaker talk about fishing experiences when he was a child. He was expertly demonstrating casting a line into a lake, only to pull an empty fishing hook out of the water. After doing this three times, he then pulled a stuffed fish out of his...
Executives, STOP Thinking Public Speaking is Magic. Here Are Three Secrets to Influential Speaking.

Executives, STOP Thinking Public Speaking is Magic. Here Are Three Secrets to Influential Speaking.

“Michael, your presentations are awful. You fix this, or you’re finished.” Those are the words my boss said that “inspired” me to improve my public speaking skills. Up until then, I stood up and spoke to groups under duress. With my job at risk, I searched for...
Use These Questions to Connect With Your Audience

Use These Questions to Connect With Your Audience

Why Use Questions to Connect? A common challenge for most presenters is how to capture their best ideas that will quickly gain audience attention. An obvious reason for this is that people are easily distracted today. We must capture their attention with our first...

Are You A Speaker Who Is Too Good For It To Matter?

Are You a Speaker Who Pleases Everyone? I was having breakfast with my friend, Tom. Although he’s not a professional speaker, he talks to audiences every week. He said, “You know, Michael, in my position, not much bothers me when I speak. But, last week, I...

Three Tips to Create a Memorable Speech

How Do You Determine What to Keep in Your Speech? Have you ever written a speech, and then struggled to determine what material to keep, and what to remove? It’s a common issue when writing new presentations. Learning how to effectively edit can mean the difference...