5 years ago this week, Darren LaCroix and Mark L Brown released the first episode of their Unforgettable Presentations podcast. That was 260 episodes ago. They’ve since become listed in the topof all podcasts on communication skills.
Congratulations my friends on the value you continually bring to the world to help people become more impactful communicators.
I’m honored to be part of this week’s milestone 260th episode. It was a fitting topic – Why Compete? – since the Olympics just wrapped up, the National Speakers Association just crowned their first ever Last Story Standing champion, and Toastmasters is in the middle of their annual World Championship of Public Speaking competition.
To catch the episode, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc7TC6HFPx8&list=PL-rrJYqn1ojbZ2zByuTxmdrXbSm_EoihC&index=132
How To Craft Your Winning Story
Speaking of competition, do you want to create a winning story (not just for speaking contests, but to win sales proposals, win over hearts & minds, or win acceptance to your ideas)?
If so, join my friend Ray Engan and me Monday August 19 at 12:00 noon (EST / 9:00 (PST) when we discuss how we helped coach Jeff Rogers to become the first winner of NSA’s Last Story Standing competition.
You’ll pick up insights on how to take a solid story idea and turn it into a meaningful and memorable message which resonates, inspires people to take action, and persuades them to buy into your ideas.
As a special treat, the champ himself will join us for this call as we deconstruct his story. You’ll walk away with a proven framework to make your next story meaningful, memorable, and impactful.
More details, click here: https://speakingcpr.com/win-more-sell-more-transform-your-stories-transform-your-impact/