This One Change Will Dramatically Improve Your Storytelling Impact

This One Change Will Dramatically Improve Your Storytelling Impact

(Note: To see the video for this post, CLICK HERE) Compare these two experiences: Speaker #1 says: “I walked into the room. The silence was overwhelming. I felt the weight of a hundred eyes staring at me.” Speaker #2 says: “I walk into the room. The...

How To Love Feedback And Make It Supercharge Your Impact

If you want to improve as a presenter, feedback is essential. When you implement valuable insights into your presentations, make adjustments, and improve your material, your impact will skyrocket. Master this skill, and you will master the art of presentations and...
One Simple Test To Know If Your Business Is True to Its Word

One Simple Test To Know If Your Business Is True to Its Word

My friend Dan is a top-notch business consultant. Recently he was advising a client on how to effectively demonstrate her company’s value. He told her, “If you tell stories you can effectively demonstrate your vision and mission.” Her response? “Dan, we...