Struggling To Manage Speaking Anxiety?

Struggling To Manage Speaking Anxiety?

These Three Presentation Pillars Enable You To Manage Your Fear Confidently stand in front of a group (or camera) and deliver a meaningful message and you boost your impact, influence, and reputation. But, many people fear this simple action. Not for the reason most...

Ready to Step Up Your Presentation Game?

The Three Pillars Of High Impact Storytelling Will Transform Your Results! Imagine you’re standing before your ideal audience, giving your carefully prepared and rehearsed presentation. If you nail this one, your impact will be greatly enhanced. You’re excited about...
One Simple Test To Know If Your Business Is True to Its Word

One Simple Test To Know If Your Business Is True to Its Word

My friend Dan is a top-notch business consultant. Recently he was advising a client on how to effectively demonstrate her company’s value. He told her, “If you tell stories you can effectively demonstrate your vision and mission.” Her response? “Dan, we...

The Secret Hack To Increase Your Story Impact

VAKS-inaTe Your Stories To Hack Your Audiences’ Emotions  The Question “Michael, what’s your deal? What are you trying to sell us?” Leslie’s question was unexpected. Her tone was so aggressive that I froze. My mind went… blank. I looked at the 49 well-dressed...
How To Include Your Audience To Craft Stories That Resonate and Engage

How To Include Your Audience To Craft Stories That Resonate and Engage

Picture this: You’re sharing your best story with an audience. You reach a key moment in the narrative, deliver the line and… there’s that magical moment when you and the audience sync perfectly. The moment creates a powerful and lasting impression. The...
The Overlooked Pot Of Gold That Will Supercharge Your Next Presentation

The Overlooked Pot Of Gold That Will Supercharge Your Next Presentation

For years, I have suggested that people start a daily story file. At the end of each day, take two or three minutes and think about the stories that impacted you. This was a good idea because I got people thinking about their most important experiences. But, in a...